
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winged Migration

Sam and I recently watched this movie again and I had honestly forgotten how powerful it is. It made me so emotional. It is so nice to be reminded why we admire certain animal species. And as most of you know, I love birds.
The artistry in the way the birds are filmed is so beautiful. To see the world through their eyes. Experience migration, birth, death, play. It is all quite amazing.
It is a foreign film, but luckily, there is not much talking only honking, peeping, chattering and chirping!
The movie was filmed over 4 years by Jaques Perrin and his team. They capture so many wonderful moments in the bird kingdom. Dancing and playing cranes, baby arctic owls and Canadian geese in the desert! Who knew?
You can get all the info about the movie from the link I provided. It was shown on the HD Movie channel on DISHTV.
Sam and I also watched another film by the same people called Microcosmos, which was about insects and small critters in a huge field. Very cool. Sam was very little when we watched it so he was amazed to say the least.
You can read a review here, but it's not like any review I have ever read.